Pat & Janice Wedding Teasers | Des Moines Photographer
As a Des Moines Photographer, I haven’t finished going through all the images from yesterday’s wedding, however as a Des Moines Photographer, I wanted to toss some teasers up. Saturday turned out to be a drizzly chilled Spring day. The venue was the Rollins Mansion, which I think not only complimented Pat & Janice really well, but also allowed us different avenues to manage the weather. We were able to shoot in the beautiful mansion, and then when the rain let up, we ventured outside for a few photos to finish up our shooting. This couple was amazingly lovely inside and out. Janice was so radiant! As a Des Moines Photographer, I also wanted to shout out to the DJ at the venue. When we were in crunch time with the reception, he went beyond what most DJ’s do and helped us to stay on track. I always tell clients that having a good DJ can be great for time management and helping to move the crowd and guests along to the next task.
Venue: Rollins Mansion
DJ: Andy with Select Entertainment
Second Shooter / Assistant: Aundrea Eilers