I realized that life and work as a photographer really caught up with me last year. I never had time to blog about what my family had been up to, then we had our baby and I got busy in newborn survival. Haha. I am not always good about discussing my personal life. I spent most of last years busy season pregnant with our last babe and putting my big kids in swim lessons, lots of hiking, play dates and exploring, and some summer travel through Iowa and beyond. I was pregnant for what seemed like forever! My big kids were both born at 39 weeks and my providers, my husband and myself were all shocked that lil babe decided to not come until over 41 weeks! Lil babe came on big brother’s birthday so now it will be extra special each year. We had my friend make the most beautiful birth video (Andrea Oleson) that I will cherish forever. Maybe someday I will share it but for now it is private. Although I highly suggest watching some of her work and be prepared to cry ugly tears. Her work is pure emotion, very tasteful and beautiful. We are all so happy with our new little addition. Who is now grown like a weed in very short time. He is already on the move after only 4 months! ( LOL I told you I was way behind on blogging! Hah!)